buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Cool Scroll - Create Stunning Visual Effects style.css header class hero div class glow-container div class neon-text Cool Scroll class tagline Transform Text into Magic nav class nav-links a Effects href #effects a Gallery href #gallery a Create href #create main section id effects class effects-showcase h2 Visual Effects div class effect-grid div class effect-card glow h3 Neon Glow p Illuminate your content div class effect-card liquid h3 Liquid Flow p Smooth fluid animations div class effect-card crystal h3 Crystal p Prismatic reflections div class effect-card cosmic h3 Cosmic p Space-inspired effects section id gallery class gallery h2 Gallery div class gallery-grid div class gallery-item div class effect-demo neon div class gallery-item div class effect-demo liquid div class gallery-item div class effect-demo crystal section id create class creator h2 Create Your Effect div class effect-creator div class controls button Generate class btn-primary button Reset class btn-secondary div class preview p Your effect here footer div class footer-content p Made with creativity by the Scroll community div class social-links a Twitter href a GitHub href script.js